Monday, August 22, 2016

Buying ban update #MicroblogMondays

We are currently in month something or other of the buying ban, wherein we buy no things, only food, travel, and replacements for essential items. Maybe 2? It goes until December, when we intend to buy only festive winter holiday gifts, then pick a new buying ban goal.

12 or so screws for bed (from I.kea but we live far away & have been to impatient for free replacements to arrive since the bed got broken in fun adult circumstances but the first several tries failed to work but the cost too little to return)
Coat/backpack rack for front door (lost originally purchased hooks)

Not replacements but deemed cheaper than renting repeatedly:
Book of life dvd 
Zootopia dvd

Just stuff we bought: 
Sandwich containers for lunches (x8, imagining my spouse gets a job)
Snack size containers for lunches (x8 small, 5 medium)
Dress shirt for Spouse (on super clearance; upon wardrobe survey, this makes 5 work shirts which might be too few)

Later this week I will discuss each group in more detail and hopefully hit the high points on the buying ban experience.

1 comment:

  1. I will join you (informally) on a buying ban. It's amazing how little you need to purchase when you ask yourself beforehand, "Do I really need this?" The answer has been each time, "No."
