Ms. Future PharmD: Your illustrious author (most all of the time). Pharmacy student in the US in a place where it snows. PCOS diagnosis and secondary infertility, three early pregnancy losses, loves naps and video games. In career 1.0, trained to teach English/writing/soforth and in career 1.5 considered teaching science before career 2.0 in pharmacy. M for short. Wandering the twitterverse @MomPharmD and available via email at mizfuturepharmd at gmail (dot) com
Spouse: Married to Ms. Future PharmD for quite some time now, primary family income (ok so only real income) bringer
Kid: 6 year old daughter of Ms. Future PharmD and Spouse. Known for avoiding bedtime and creating Lego sculptures
Little Monster: the lady baby who arrived in mid-February 2013 as a result of what I'd call a Hail Mary surprise natural pregnancy. Likes piano music, demolishing straws, dancing with stamping, and wearing shoes.
Fluffinella: feline-in-residence with gender unspecified, known for causing trouble and eating poisonous plants while incurring no harm
Sibling: My sibling, a bit younger than me, recently attached to Sib-In-Law (squee!)
Brother-in-law: Spouse's brother, married to Sister-In-Law. They share a feline child who hasn't stopped being a kitten in nearly 8 years and is now a deadly 14 lb cannonball kitten.